Livsmedelsproducenter och laboratorier kan använda BAX® System Q7 som en snabb och pålitlig metod för att upptäcka Salmonella från en mängd olika livsmedel- och miljöytor. Denna analys är utformad för att rapportera ja/nej-resultat för Salmonella vid koncentrationer så låga som 10 000 cfu/ml efter anrikning. Med en bearbetningstid på cirka 60 minuter i BAX® System Q7-instrumentet ger metoden resultat som är jämförbara med odlingsmetoder, men med en betydligt snabbare tid till resultat.
Food processors and associated laboratories can use the BAX® System as a quick and reliable method for detecting Salmonella in a variety of foods, hemp and cannabis flowers,
and environmental surfaces. The real-time PCR assay was designed to report yes/no results for Salmonella at concentrations as low as 104 cfu/mL after enrichment. With a
processing time of approximately 60 minutes in the BAX® System Q7 instrument, the method returns results comparable to culture methods, but with a significantly faster
time to result. With the SalQuant method application, the intended use can be expanded to include quantification of various poultry, beef and pork matrices. In addition, the real-Time PCR assay can also be used as an alternative to the traditional MPN method for raw comminuted turkey and chicken, whole carcass
poultry rinses, and raw beef trim. BAX® Systems are designed for use by qualified lab personnel who follow standard microbiology laboratory
practice, including the safe handling and disposal of potentially pathogenic materials. The laboratory must comply with good laboratory practice (see ISO 7218 standard). For an NF-validation method, laboratory must follow ISO 22174 (Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffsPolymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of foodborne pathogens–General requirements and definitions).